This is my python
page. Here you will find my Python work, and links to my favourite
Python resources.
is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming
language. It incorporates modules, exceptions, dynamic typing,
very high level dynamic data types, and classes. Python combines
remarkable power with very clear syntax. Python is portable:
it runs on many brands of UNIX, on the Mac, and on PCs under
MS-DOS,Windows, Windows NT, and OS/2. It is quite easy to
learn, and if you are in search of a new language to learn,
you may consider Python.
module for Python |
I wanted to do printer
port IO with Python under Windows 2000, but I was unable to
find a module to do that. Thanks to DriverLINX
Port I/O Driver for Win95 and WinNT and ctypes
by Thomas Heller, I am now able do printer port IO on windows
95/98/NT/2000. Using ctypes it is possible to access functions
in any DLL library. I imported the necessary functions from
dlportio.dll and wrote some simple functions to aid using
the printer port. The module and dlportio driver are available
for download here:
(280 Kb) for
Python 2.4. (227 Kb) for
Python 2.3 (180 Kb) for
Python 2.2.
pyLCD allows you
to control a HD44780 based LCD connected to your printer port.
It needs winioport to run.
I used this module while developing the LCD
simulator, to experiment with LCD modules quickly and
Click here to download it:
(187 Kb, including winioport [for Python 2.1-- get the one
above for Python 2.2/2.3])
Here is an example showing its usage:
import pyLCD
>>> pyLCD.fs1line() # 1-line, 8-bit interface
>>> pyLCD.ems() # entry mode set (default: increase
cursor position, no shift )
>>> pyLCD.dispOn() # display on with cusrsor invisible
>>> pyLCD.cursHome() # cursor home
>>> pyLCD.putstr('Hello World') # print the string
a very very informative site on the parallel port and more.
Be sure to check it, if you want to learn printer port IO.
Lake View Research possibly
the most complete parallel/serial port resource on the net.
WinIo v1.3 by Yariv
Kaplan another Win32 portIO solution. Source code available.
Works fine with calldll.
hardware related
Python stuff |
Win32 Serial Interface Module allows serial port IO on
- I/O Hardware port extension for Python allows printer
port access on Linux platform
a Python extension to access printer port on windows 95/98
only. It is untested.
favourite Python links |
of Parnassus: Python Resources
a must-visit
for pythonistas.
IDE and win32 extensions. Very nice IDE & editor.
Daily Python URL
daily Python news
makes your Python apps standalone executables
wxPython : A portable Python
GUI toolkit
Boa Constuctor
Delphi like IDE for Python development including visual wxPython
frame design, object browsers, debugging, and more.