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The images claimed to be bitmaps on this page are actually JPEGs. They were convrted to this format from bitmaps to enable Netscape users to see the images. Netscape Navigator is not capable of displaying bitmap images !!!

Click HERE to see the origianal document.

Z80 Examples for KS0108 and HD61202 Based Graphics LCDs

Examples presented here require that the KS0108 controlled 128*64 LCD is connected to an
8255 with base address of 00h.

Routines sendcomA & sendcom & sendcharA & sendchar have been tested on
The Z80 was clocked at 2 MHz

Geocities does not allow uploading files with .asm, .dat, .hex and .lst extensions. So, in order to make them viewable on line, I saved asm files as html documents and code listings as text files.

LCD data bus(pins #14-#7) connected to Port A of an 8255 with 00h base address
LCD Enable pin(#6) connected to Port C bit #7 of the 8255
LCD R/W pin(#5) connected to Port C bit #6 of the 8255
LCD RS pin(#4) connected to Port C bit #5 of the 8255
CSA Chip selection driver 1 connected to Port C bit #4 of the 8255
CSB Chip selection driver 2 connected to Port C bit #3 of the 8255

Example #1 :
This program will display this bitmap on the LCD.
Source : graphic1.asm
List : graphic1.lst
Both of the files above + the hex file: graphic1.zip
Example #2 :
This program will display this bitmap on the LCD using the easy but inefficient method mentioned on the Graphics How To page. Also, the source of this example has a routine to clear the LCD. Since the DDRAM may have random data after power up, it is a good idea to clear the display.

Source: non_effic_gfx.asm
List: non_effic_gfx.lst

Both of the files above + the hex file:
Here is how to prepare the image and extract image data from it to be used in this example :

Step 1:
Rotate the image 90 degrees counterclockwise
Step 2:
Mirror the image
Step 3:
Make the image negative. Fire your hex editor. Remove the 62-byte-header and paste image data into your binary file.

Example #3 :